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How to Handle Customer Objections

How to Handle Customer Objections: Win your Customer’s Loyalty

Handling customer objections is an essential skill for any professional in sales and customer service. Given the diversity of customers and their needs, preferences, and expectations, encountering objections is inevitable. However, successfully navigating these situations can lead to building trust, credibility, and customer satisfaction.

Developing strategies to effectively manage and respond to objections is crucial for both business growth and customer retention. By actively listening to customers, understanding their concerns, and presenting well-informed solutions, professionals can turn potential obstacles into opportunities to demonstrate their expertise and commitment to addressing customers’ needs.

In this article, we will discuss various techniques and approaches to handle customer objections confidently and knowledgeably. These insights can help professionals in sales and customer service become more adept at addressing concerns, overcoming barriers, and ultimately, achieving greater overall success in their field.

Understanding Customer Objections

Common Sales Objections

Customer objections are an inevitable part of the selling process. To successfully handle them, it’s important to first recognize the most common sales objections. Some of the most frequently encountered objections include:

  • Price: Customers often feel that a product or service is too expensive.
  • Value: Prospects may question the worth of the product or service compared to the competition.
  • Timing: Potential buyers might feel it is not the right time to purchase or commit.
  • Trust: Prospective clients might have doubts about the credibility or quality of the product, service, or company.
  • Need: Customers may not see a strong enough need for the product or service being offered.

By becoming familiar with these common objections, sales representatives can be better prepared to address them and alleviate the concerns of potential customers.

Why Customers Have Objections

Understanding why customers have objections is crucial when it comes to addressing them effectively. A few key reasons behind customer objections include:

  1. Lack of information: Customers may not have adequate knowledge about the product or service being offered. This may lead to misconceptions or doubts that can be addressed by providing additional information or insights.
  2. Fear of change: Purchasing a new product or service sometimes requires customers to change from their current method or provider. Fear of change can lead to objections as customers hesitate to take on the risks associated with adopting something new.
  3. Personal preferences: Each customer has their own unique preferences, which can lead to objections if the product or service does not align precisely with their specific desires or needs.
  4. Previous experiences: Past interactions with similar products, services, or companies can shape a customer’s expectations and lead to objections if those experiences were negative or did not meet their expectations.

By understanding the root causes of customer objections, sales representatives can better address those concerns with a confident, knowledgeable, and neutral approach that helps to build trust and establish a clear understanding between the buyer and seller.

The Importance of Establishing Trust

Establishing trust is imperative when handling customer objections, as it forms the foundation of strong relationships and can positively impact the overall success of your business.

Building Rapport

Building rapport with customers is a key element in establishing trust. By demonstrating empathy and understanding their needs, you lay the groundwork for a fruitful relationship. It is essential to be confident, knowledgeable, and clear in your communication while maintaining a neutral tone of voice. This approach helps put the customer at ease, making them more receptive to your solutions and propositions.

Some effective ways to build rapport include:

  • Finding common ground and shared interests
  • Displaying genuine interest in the customer’s life and circumstances
  • Offering personalized recommendations based on their needs and preferences

Active Listening

Active listening plays a crucial role in establishing trust with customers, as it allows you to truly understand their concerns and objections. By attentively listening to their issues and validating their feelings, you convey a sense of empathy and genuine care for their situation.

Some essential components of active listening include:

  • Providing verbal and non-verbal cues to show you’re paying attention (e.g., nodding, maintaining eye contact)
  • Asking open-ended questions to encourage the customer to share more information
  • Paraphrasing and summarizing their statements, which can help clarify their concerns and demonstrate your understanding

Lack of trust can hinder your ability to handle customer objections effectively, so focusing on building rapport and practicing active listening skills will ultimately result in better relationships with your customers and increased success in your business endeavors.

Essential Objection Handling Skills

Mastering objection handling skills in sales involves addressing customer concerns and doubts confidently to provide a satisfactory resolution. By developing these techniques, sales professionals can overcome objections and navigate potential roadblocks to closing deals.

Feel, Felt, Found Technique

The Feel, Felt, Found technique is a popular approach to handling sales objections. It involves demonstrating empathy with the customer, providing relatable examples, and offering a solution. The process breaks down as follows:

  1. Feel: Display understanding toward the customer’s concerns by acknowledging their emotions.
  2. Felt: Share a relatable experience or example of someone who had similar concerns in the past.
  3. Found: Explain how the situation improved or was resolved, specifically addressing the objection.

This method can help build trust and rapport with customers by showing that their concerns are valid, and others have experienced similar feelings, but ultimately found a satisfying outcome.

Open-Ended Questions

Another strategy for handling objections is asking open-ended questions. This approach encourages the customer to elaborate on their concerns, enabling sales representatives to gather more information and address the crux of the problem. Examples of open-ended questions include:

  • Can you please explain your concerns in more detail?
  • What specific aspects of the product/service are causing doubt?
  • How do you envision this impacting your goals or objectives?

By using open-ended questions, sales professionals can probe deeper into the customer’s concerns, clarifying their understanding and tailoring a more persuasive response.

Addressing Misunderstandings

Occasionally, sales objections arise from misunderstandings or misinformation. In such instances, it’s crucial to address the root cause of the resistance and clarify any misconceptions. To do this, consider the following steps:

  1. Identify the source of the misunderstanding.
  2. Acknowledge the customer’s perspective, taking care not to undermine their feelings.
  3. Gently present accurate information or correct the misconception with supporting evidence.
  4. Validate the customer’s concerns and express understanding of why the misinformation caused confusion.

In conclusion, by incorporating the Feel, Felt, Found technique, utilizing open-ended questions, and addressing misunderstandings, sales professionals can be better equipped to handle sales objections. These objection-handling skills, when employed confidently and effectively, contribute to improved communication and higher success rates in closing deals.

Strategies for Tackling Specific Objections

Price Objections

When a sales rep encounters a price objection, it’s essential to approach the situation from a perspective of understanding and empathy. To address this objection, the sales rep should first acknowledge and validate the customer’s concerns related to budget constraints. After that, demonstrate the pricing flexibility and payment options that might ease their budgetary concerns.

It’s important for the sales rep to emphasize the value of the product or service in question. Highlight the potential return on investment (ROI) the customer could achieve by purchasing the solution. Presenting the long-term benefits and potential cost savings can justify the initial investment and help alleviate price objections.

Value Objections

Value objections arise when customers don’t see a clear benefit in the product or service compared to their current solutions. The sales rep needs to address these concerns by helping customers understand the unique advantages that their offering provides. Reiterating the key features and benefits that differentiate it from existing solutions can help sway the customer’s opinion.

To effectively address value objections, use real-life examples and case studies that showcase the product’s impact on businesses similar to the customer’s organization. This will help instill confidence that the product or service will deliver the desired results.

Competitive Objections

Competitive objections occur when customers express resistance due to the presence of other competitive solutions in the market. In this case, sales reps should showcase the unique selling points that make their product or service stand out.

To tackle competitive objections, sales reps need to have a thorough understanding of the competition and their offerings. Demonstrating the key differences between the products and highlighting the outstanding features—such as exceptional customer support, superior technological capabilities, or long-term cost-effectiveness—can be effective in addressing these objections.

Remember, a confident, knowledgeable, and clear approach will resonate with customers. By employing these strategies to handle specific objections related to price, value, and competition, sales reps can effectively navigate the sales process and move closer to closing the deal.

Maintaining Control of the Conversation

Using Permission Technique

Salespeople need to establish a sense of control in a conversation with clients while also making them feel respected and heard. The Permission Technique allows representatives to maintain control by establishing common ground with their clients. When dealing with customer objections, the salesperson can ask for permission to address the concern, which helps the customer feel valued. For example, if a customer voices their uncertainty about the price, a salesperson can respond with “May I share some information about the value our product provides?” This technique puts the customer at ease and allows the salesperson to address the objection in a confident and knowledgeable manner.

Mastering the Art of Pausing

In handling objections, mastering the art of pausing is essential for salespeople. When a client voices an objection, taking a brief pause allows the salesperson to gather their thoughts and avoid sounding defensive or anxious. By pausing, both the salesperson and client have a moment to process what has been said and formulate a clear response. This technique also demonstrates confidence and knowledge, as it showcases the salesperson’s ability to stay calm under pressure and address the customer’s concerns effectively.

Avoiding Interruptions

Another essential skill in handling customer objections is preventing interruptions. Salespeople must maintain composure and avoid the urge to interrupt a customer who is voicing their concerns, as this can create an air of hostility and closed-mindedness. Allowing the customer to express their needs and wants without disturbance creates an atmosphere of respect and neutralizes potential disagreement. By avoiding interruptions, salespeople can establish a clear and productive dialogue, thus enabling them to address customer objections effectively.

Implementing LAER: The Bonding Process

The LAER model is an effective technique for handling objections in the sales cycle. The acronym stands for Listen, Acknowledge, Explore, and Respond, and each step plays a vital role in guiding the sales professional through a conversation with a prospective client.


The first step in the LAER process is to listen attentively to the customer’s objection. It is essential for the sales professional to avoid interrupting or assuming they know the client’s concerns. By creating an atmosphere of empathy and understanding, the prospect will feel heard and valued. This sets the foundation for a productive dialogue and allows both parties to move forward towards a solution.


After the salesperson has listened to the customer’s objection, it is crucial for them to acknowledge it. This requires the sales professional to express understanding and validate the concerns raised by the prospect. Acknowledgement can be as simple as replying, “I understand why you might feel that way,” or “It makes sense that you’re concerned about that.” This step helps to build further trust and rapport in the relationship.


Next, the sales professional should explore the objection by asking questions to gain a deeper understanding of the concerns. By doing so, they can identify the root cause of the objections and gather vital information needed for the next stage. Some potential questions might include:

  • “Could you please tell me more about your concerns?”
  • “What factors are causing you to feel this way?”
  • “Have you experienced a similar issue in the past?”

Exploration enables the salesperson to gather essential insights into their prospect’s unique situation and tailor their response accordingly.


The final step in the LAER model is to respond to the objection. The sales professional should offer a solution or benefit that aligns with the customer’s needs and addresses their concerns. By showcasing their confidence, knowledge, and expertise, they can persuade the prospect to reconsider their objection, bringing the conversation closer to a successful close.

To sum up, the LAER model is an effective process for handling client objections and helps sales professionals navigate challenging situations in the sales cycle. By practicing empathy, asking thoughtful questions, and providing targeted solutions, it enables them to build trust and rapport and ultimately, facilitate successful sales outcomes.

Identifying True Objection Vs. Smoke Screens

When handling customer objections, it’s crucial to distinguish between true objections and smoke screens. This will allow you to effectively address the concerns and ultimately close the deal. To do this, we will discuss two sub-sections: Recognizing Smoke Screens and Addressing True Objections.

Recognizing Smoke Screens

Smoke screens are superficial objections that may not reveal the customer’s real concern. They might be used as a way to stall or avoid making a decision. Some common smoke screens can be related to:

  • Timing: The customer might say, “I need more time to think about it” or “This is not the right time for me.”
  • Price: “The price is too high” or “I’ve found a cheaper option elsewhere.”

To recognize a smoke screen, pay attention to the customer’s tone of voice and body language. They might appear hesitant, evasive, or non-committal. The key is to not get distracted by these surface-level issues and instead try to uncover the true objection.

Addressing True Objections

True objections are legitimate concerns that the customer has regarding the product, service, or timing. These can be deeper issues that need to be resolved before they can commit to a purchase. Some examples include:

  • Product concerns: “I don’t think this product has all the features I need” or “I’m not sure if this will work for my situation.”
  • Internal buy-in: “I need to get approval from my team before making a decision” or “Our company has a strict procurement process.”

To address true objections, follow these steps:

  1. Acknowledge the objection: Show empathy and understanding by saying something like, “I understand your concern about the timing.”
  2. Ask questions: Probe deeper into the concern by asking open-ended questions, such as “What would make this the right time for you?”
  3. Provide information: Offer relevant information to help alleviate the concern. For example, if the customer is worried about timing, you could say, “Many of our clients find that implementing our solution saves them time in the long run.”
  4. Confirm resolution: After addressing the objection, check with the customer to ensure their concerns have been resolved by asking, “Have I addressed your concerns about the timing?”

By confidently and knowledgeably addressing the true objections, you can build rapport and trust with the customer and pave the way towards a successful sales transaction.

The Role of AI in Objection Handling

AI-Powered Sales Solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the sales industry, transforming how sales teams approach objection handling. AI-powered sales solutions use machine learning algorithms and natural language processing to analyze customer tendencies, preferences, and concerns. By processing vast amounts of data, they can identify patterns and trends, allowing sales professionals to address objections more effectively 1.

For instance, AI can generate insights on common objections or customer challenges, helping sales teams implement tailored strategies for dealing with resistance. Additionally, AI can offer optimal answers or counterarguments, enabling sales representatives to overcome objections and close deals more efficiently. This not only saves time but also enhances overall sales performance.

Empowering Sales Teams with AI

AI has the potential to empower sales teams, offering profound benefits in both the learning and application of objection handling techniques. Here are some ways AI improves sales teams’ capabilities:

  1. Personalized suggestions: AI can provide personalized proposition suggestions for each prospect, addressing their objections and easing decision-making 2.
  2. Automated data analysis: AI can automatically analyze prospect and customer data, enabling sales representatives to uncover valuable insights they can use to build rapport and handle objections.
  3. Enhanced communication skills: AI-powered tools can help sales professionals improve their communication skills, understand customers’ needs and preferences, and deliver a more tailored approach to objection handling.
  4. Real-time coaching: Sales teams can receive real-time feedback and coaching suggestions from AI-driven sales platforms, empowering them to handle objections more confidently and effectively.

In summary, AI plays a crucial role in objection handling by delivering valuable insights, tailored strategies, and real-time coaching. Through AI-powered sales solutions, sales professionals can address objections intelligently, closing deals more efficiently, and ultimately driving the success of their organizations.


  1. (https://www.salesforce.com/blog/6-techniques-for-effective-objection-handling-blog/)
  2. (https://www.gong.io/resources/labs/objection-handling-techniques/)


In the world of sales, handling customer objections effectively is crucial for both the business development council and sales reps who aim to close more deals and foster satisfied customers. A confident, knowledgeable, and clear approach is essential when addressing the concerns of potential clients.

One primary strategy involves actively listening to the potential customer’s pain point, by genuinely focusing on their needs and concerns. This allows sales reps to demonstrate empathy and better understand the root cause of the objection. Once the objection is understood, sales reps should explore the potential client’s issues with a neutral tone, avoiding any pushy or pressuring tactics.

Sales reps can then utilize various strategies suggested by the Forbes Business Development Council and others to address common sales objections. By tailoring the response to specifically address the customer’s pain point, sales reps can demonstrate how their product or service can add value to the potential client’s situation.

Creating urgency by emphasizing the benefits of immediate action can also help overcome objections. When a potential customer perceives that a decision ought to be made promptly, they may be more inclined to consider the sales pitch and move forward with a purchase.

In summary, by adopting a confident, knowledgeable, neutral, and clear tone while addressing customers’ concerns, sales reps can overcome common sales objections, resulting in more closed deals and satisfied customers. Integrating these strategies into the sales process will ultimately contribute to a company’s growth and success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some effective techniques for managing customer objections?

There are several techniques that can be used to manage customer objections. Some of these include truly listening to the customer, asking open-ended questions, validating their concerns, and collaborating to find a solution that meets their needs. Each technique should be tailored to the specific objection in order to effectively address it.

Can you provide examples of common objections and how to address them?

Yes, common objections can include concerns about price, value, relevance, and purchasing ability. To address these, a salesperson might present evidence of the product’s value, offer a discounted introductory rate, show how the product can benefit the customer’s specific situation, or discuss payment plans to help overcome their objections.

What is the role of empathy when dealing with customer objections?

Empathy plays a significant role in dealing with customer objections. Demonstrating empathy shows the customer that their concerns are understood and valued. This helps to build rapport and trust, making it more likely that customers will be open to hearing solutions that address their objections.

How can active listening improve objection handling?

Active listening is crucial for effectively handling customer objections. By paying close attention to the customer’s concerns, salespeople can identify the true nature of the objection and tailor their response accordingly. Active listening also demonstrates to the customer that their concerns are being taken seriously, strengthening the relationship and increasing the likelihood of finding a mutually beneficial solution.

What strategies can be used to identify the true nature of an objection?

Strategies to identify the true nature of an objection include asking open-ended questions, summarizing the customer’s concerns, and probing for deeper understanding. These approaches allow salespeople to gather more information about the customer’s unique circumstances and tailor a response that directly addresses the root cause of the objection.

How can objection handling benefit from solution-oriented approaches?

Solution-oriented approaches to objection handling focus on collaborating with the customer to find a mutually beneficial solution. This approach can lead to better outcomes, as it helps salespeople understand the customer’s needs and concerns more deeply. By focusing on finding a solution together, salespeople demonstrate their commitment to addressing customer objections and fostering a positive relationship.

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